Hence Upakarma should certainly be performed. Only because Upakarma is not performed with sincerity, some karmas done these days become useless owing to loss of power of mantras. If at least the Gayatri mantra which is with us is to have power, we must perform the karma of Upakarma without mistakes in mantra and with understanding of meaning. If not, it will become ‘yatayama’ like the food described in Bhagavadgita. Only if Upakarma is performed in this manner, will the meagre store of Veda mantra with us have power. This karma of starting study of Vedas is known as Upakarma. Then in the Sraavana month of the following year, on the day of Upakarma, Upakarma is performed and study of Veda mantras is commenced again. Siksha, Vyakarana, Chandas, Niruktam, Jyotisham and Kalpasutram is studied.

Utsarjana karma is done in the following Pushya (Thai) month, study of Vedas is halted and in the next six months, as much as possible of the six Vedangas, viz. After Upanayanam, study of Vedas commences on the first Aavani Avittam day. If these time limits are crossed, their efficacy diminishes. For food it is three hours similarly various materials have different limiting times upto which they are useful. Based on this, the term ‘yatayamam’ is used to denote objects which have become useless with time. Food loses its efficacy after three hours after cooking. “Yatayamam gatarasam puti paryushitam cha yat”. What is ‘yatayamam’? Even in Bhagavadgita, we come across Import of this: That which is not ‘yatayamam’ is ‘ayatayamam’.

“Adhitanam chandasam ayatayamatvaya adhyayana viryavattartham” Only then he will at least show interest in learning the meaning himself. When he utters Sankalpa, we should ask him for the meaning of the Sankalpa. The purpose of performing any karma will be known if we note the Sankalpa uttered by the Upadhyaya during that karma. This same Upakarma should be performed by Rigvedis on the day of Sravana (Tiruvonam) star in the lunar month of Sraavana and by Samavedis on the day of Hastha star in the lunar month of Bhadrapada, which comes next to Sraavana. Hence that day is referred to as Aavani Avittam, further twisted in spoken parlance to ‘Aavaniyavattam’. Sraavana Purnima generally is found to occur on the day of Avittam star in the solar month of Aavani. Followers of Aapasthambha sutra should perform a karma called ‘Upakarma’ on the day of Purnima in the lunar month of Sraavana, if there are no blemishes on that day. We should in fact call it ‘Sraavana Purnima’. We should call it ‘Aavani Purnima’ nay, even this is incorrect. Though this is the right name, it does not convey the right meaning. This is the right name for it not ‘Aavaniyavattam’. VEDA DHARMA SASTRA PARIPALANA SABHA (Regd.)

Part 2, The Vedic Religion: Introductory (5 chapters).Part 1, Religion In General (7 chapters).